Where Are The (Poor) College Graduates?

Siutan Wong's Homework 10

Graph1: Percentage of Population With A Bachelor's Degree or Higher by Counties

Graph2: Poverty Rate For The Population 25 Years And Over With A Bachelor's Degree or Higher

From the two maps below, we can find out that normally college graduates are less likely (under 10%) to earn under the proverty line. However, in counties like Crowley, Colo., McMullen, Taxes or Sierra, Cali., having a college degree does not mean that one to make a livable salary. For example, 12.3% of the population in Crowley, Colo. has a bachelor's degree or higher, but 30.2% of the college graduates are under the proverty line. That makes me wonder what are the major industries in the county and what is the average income level in there.

Source: 2010 United States Census